How to Remove Chicken Pox Scars?

How to Remove Chicken Pox Scars?

how to remove chicken pox scars

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Does acne bother you and make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your skin? Are you tired of using different creams, lotions, and exfoliants that have not given you any results! Then Lasers are a great option for you that will not only treat but prevent the formation of mild-to-moderate acne at a doctor’s office; lasers have shown some promising results in treating severe acne (cysts/nodules).

Chickenpox scars

The varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox. These scars appear as small, fluid-filled blisters that later turn into painful rash. If you never had chickenpox or have not been immunized, you are at greater risk of contracting the illness from someone who has.

Children may now be protected against chickenpox with a vaccination that has just been made widely accessible. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests routine vaccination to protect yourself against diseases (CDC). The chickenpox vaccination protects against chickenpox but comes along with its side effects

You can get rid of these gross-looking scars with a few over-the-counter medications. But you may also use home remedies that are free of side effects.

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Over The Counter Treatment

  • Retinol creams are used as scar removers because of the high concentration of vitamin A in these products. According to research, retinol and glycolic acid may help fade acne scars. Before you go to bed, apply a retinol lotion to your scars every day. If it irritates your skin, consider using it just once every other day.

  • Scar removal creams: These lotions include various substances that help lighten scar pigmentation. Scar removal creams are available in a wide range of brand names.

  • Exfoliants: These may help remove chickenpox scars by replacing the damaged skin cells with new skin. Exfoliants may be used to remove pigmented scars as well. Mechanical exfoliants include scrubs and skin brushes. These scar products need to be used regularly. Over-the-counter exfoliating lotions are available. On the scar, they cause little chemical reactions.

Professional Treatments

  • Scar excision: Surgical removal of scars can opt if nothing else works for your scars. You’d be put to sleep by your physician, who’d then surgically remove the scar tissue. However, this only applies to deep, pitted scars.

  • Microdermabrasion: This therapy also works well. The damaged skin is exfoliated and removed with the help of a spinning brush. Try dermabrasion if you’re interested in getting rid of scar tissue for good.

  • Tissue fillers: If you have scars that have sunken in, you may want to consider these options. It will assist you in regaining your skin’s natural contour. The scar is filled with hyaluronic acid and lipids injected to make it seem less prominent. This, however, is a short-term fix that will expire in six months.

  • Micro-needling: This technique uses a rolling pin-like device with numerous small needles attached. In this case, the device would be placed on your scar after you’d been sedated and anesthetized. It boosts collagen production and smoothes the skin. You may have to cope with some bleeding.

  • Skin grafting: This should only be used if you have severe scarring and nothing else. Skin from another region of your body is harvested and transplanted to cover the scar.

  • Chemical peels: This procedure causes a chemical reaction on your scars that aids in regenerating new skin. The chemical substance used in this treatment eliminates the skin’s top layer, allowing for the growth of a new, healthier outer layer in its place. Doctors perform this procedure under anesthesia.

  • Laser therapy: Chickenpox scars are often treated with this method. It may help with scars that are deep, sunken, or old. Treatments may last anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours, depending on the severity of scar tissue.

How it works

We can say that lasers are the magical beams to help you get away with your acne scars. Yes, you heard it right! Here is why :

Acne scar laser therapy has two major effects. First, the laser uses heat to eliminate the top layer of skin above the scar. Peeling away the outermost layer of your scar makes the scar less obvious since your skin seems smoother and more even.

Heat and light from the laser tear up scar tissue, stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells. The laser’s heat draws blood to the region, and the blood vessels in the scar are targeted, which reduces inflammation.

As a result, scars seem smaller since they are less elevated and red. In addition, it aids in skin repair.

How long do chickenpox marks take to fade?

It takes anywhere from 6 to 12 months after the infection has cleared up for the scars to disappear fully. It may persist longer than normal if your chickenpox is severe and contagious.


Chickenpox scars are often frustrating, and getting away with them may be tough, but thankfully there are several ways to get rid of them. It may take some time, but all your efforts and patience will be paid off. Mild scars may be treated at home, but serious scars need medical attention. Before considering any treatment, do see a doctor or dermatologist for the right cure. The bottom line is to avoid scratching to avoid scars.

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